Word Pattern
Workshop for children on creating a street poster
Educator: Olesya Ilenok
June 18, 2022
The environment constantly communicates something to us, often directly through words and text. What is this text, who forms it and according to what principles? In her project Wall for scroll artist Olesya Ilenok answers these questions and invites participants to go on a word hunt with her as part of the class. Together with the artist we will walk through the streets of Yekaterinburg and collect the most memorable phrases, located on the city walls, and create a unique verbal pattern.
The workshop consisted of a walk behind the words, during which the participants collected words and phrases from the city space: from the works of artists to advertising. After the walk, participants composed their own phrase based on the collected words, their personal statement, and placed it on a simulated fence or wall. The result of the class was a presentation of the created street posters.
The workshop was held at the Urals Center for Contemporary Art, as part of the CHO Public Art Festival.
Photo by: Anna Marchenkova